1. Magic Erasers are your friend ! Keep them handy for when your kids forget crayons are for paper not walls
2. Every child's room needs a waste basket. And they need reminders to put trash in that basket. (Just make sure you also have trash liners, gum and candy stick to the bottom of those baskets)
3. Hangers ! Children have a hard time folding their own laundry but even small children can put their shirts on hangers.
4. If it's on the floor it is TRASH. If your children do not respect their toys and pick up after themselves they don't respect you. My kids hustle when I come into the room with a trash bag, they know I mean business. (I don't think I have ever actually thrown any toys away that weren't broken)
5. Food and drinks should stay in the kitchen. Kid's spill and crumbs fall, if you don't want to vacuum up goldfish crackers and spot treat your carpet and furniture everyday then food should only be eaten in the Kitchen or Dining room.